San Francisco: A Beacon of Hope

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Ten years ago, I packed two suitcases and purchased a one-way ticket to launch my career back to where I was born: San Francisco. 

Growing up, my mother would often sing Scott Mackenzie’s famous song about the city. Little did she know, she planted a seed that blossomed into a life goal: I vowed to come back and explore this place where people put flowers in their hair.

Raised in different countries, I learned early on the importance of adapting to different environments while being exposed to different cultures. But If there is a beacon in the world for tolerance, open-mindedness and social enlightenment, I believe San Francisco embodies it. And I’ve always been drawn to it.

I only lived in the city for five years before my career eventually took me to other tech-hubs of California where I’ve enjoyed living ever since. Every once in a while, I take a few days off to return to San Francisco. My family doesn’t live there anymore. A lot of my acquaintances have moved out. Some of my favorite go-to spots have closed. But it still somehow feels like Home.

No matter where you’re from, what you believe in, what you listen to, you can find your place in San Francisco. You can belong there.

There is nothing quite like walking from the Embarcadero down to the Bay Bridge and marvel at the 360 view of the Bay. Nothing like feeling the cold ocean breeze flying through the pillars of the Golden Gate Bridge. Nothing like a picnic at Dolores Park with one of the best vista points of the city.

The city is not exempt to issues but its history and the values it represents are second to none.

Every time I come back to San Francisco, I feel inspired and ready to take on whatever challenges life is throwing our way.

I’ve found my beacon of hope.


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